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CAPTULINA is always on the hunt for the next revolutionary skincare product or technologically-advanced skincare devices. When she finds a new product or device that intrigues her, first it must be put through a series of stringent tests and thorough investigations before receiving approval.


The products and devices that become part of the highly curated group, encompasses the newest, ‘now’-est and future of skincare. Each product and device plays a part in helping customers achieve the result of CAPTULINA’s signature method to skincare that combines safe and gentle performance technology. It’s this unique treatment that has propelled CAPTULINA’s practice to become one of the most in-demand estheticians.


All of the treatments on the menu are the most up to date in technology and encompass wellness, relaxation, and science to deliver a highly customized protocol. With an arsenal of non-invasive Beauty Tec-equipment plus a professional back-bar of the greatest and latest products, each treatment is customized and performed by CAPTULINA. All are highly customized catering for those seeking to look and feel healthy and maintain an inner and outer healthy glo.

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